
Patients and visitors are received after revealing the identity and handing over the patients and their spouses and visitors identification cards according to the reason for the visit (patient – patient accompanying – patient visitor – hospital visitor)
In addition to the complementary clinic, which includes the largest consultants in various specialties to study the complex cases of children with advanced congenital differences and incurable diseases.

The hospital includes a pharmacy unit, which is divided into two parts
Pharmacy store and preparation area
The hospital contains major laboratories to provide basic services and examinations to patients in the hospital, in addition to “gene” research laboratories and stem cell laboratories.

The center provides diagnostic interventional radiology in all radiology specialties,
- Infrasound Device
The hospital includes an operating suite consisting of 3 operating rooms equipped to perform open-heart surgeries and the largest surgeries and endoscopy in various specialties.

as educational institute can provide academic and clinical trainings in the form of hands-on experience for specialists or elective courses and observer-ships for undergraduates. Additionally, Nile of Hope Academy can offer Research courses with the required international standards and accredited certifications.The Academy is always keen on establishing national and international collaborations with Academic Institutes as part of the essential process of sustainable development.
The department is located on the fifth floor of the hospital and consists of 6 accommodation rooms that vary according to the age and type of the patient
Each room is divided into closed accommodation units with a total of 22 units equipped at the highest level to receive and comfort our children

and New Born Intensive Care
It accommodates 24 nurseries equipped to treat newborns with birth defects, more than 12 advanced ventilators
Treatment of cases of birth defects that need surgical intervention
Intensive care services for children from birth up to the age of 18 years. It accommodates thirteen beds, including intensive care for heart and isolation care
Cardiac Catheterization
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Congenital diseases represent 26% from the under-five mortality rate.
Congenital heart diseases represent about one third from the congenital diseases where it is the most common type of congenital diseases with a percent of one in every 100 live births.

Medicine Unit
Provide the Fetal Medicine Unit, a branch of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, where a fetus is treated directly in his mother’s womb. A mother is referred to Fetal Medicine Unit for early diagnosis of fetal with congenital differences when an abnormality is detected by her doctor during a routine scan.
Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Center
The center provides physiotherapy services for children’s cases after operations. The types of cases that is treated:
Research and Development
It includes expertise in the fields of public health, epidemiology, medical statistics, bioinformatics and health economics. The department works professionally based on international scientific research standards and updated medical information systems.